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Sweet Orange

Sweet Orange
☆JSPACC 30th Anniversary -MiracleKids Festival☆
☆JSPACC 30th Anniversary -MiracleKids Festival☆ Saturday, April 20,2024 Door Open 12:30pm 1:00pm to 4:00pm Wintersburg Presbyterian...

Sweet Orange
#206 ♪ 音楽を生み出す楽しさ♪ The joy of creating music ♪
Aiko Fukushima 福島愛子 Title: ♪ The joy of creating music ♪ I interviewed Ms. Aiko Fukushima, conductor of the Japanese choir at El Marino...

Sweet Orange
一人ではできない、君たちのおかげです。ありがとう!I can't do it alone, thanks to you guys, thank you!
Rev: Toshio Maehara 前原利夫 Title: I can't do it alone, thanks to you guys, thank you! America is a magnificent country. Professional sports...

Sweet Orange

Sweet Orange
#205 「俳優」という生き方 "Actor" as a Way of Life
Naoyuki Ikeda 池田直之 Title: "Actor" as a Way of Life Naoyuki Ikeda came to the U.S. after 13 years of teaching in Japan as an English...

Sweet Orange
#44 女性のお話 The story of woman
Bishop:Yuju Matsumoto 松本優樹 Title: The story of woman From Joyo-Jikai (常用字解) (Heibonsha), the character for "woman" is "the form of a...

Sweet Orange

Sweet Orange
#204 カリフォルニアのエージング&シーニックペインターライフ Aging & Scenic Painter life in California
Susumu Kurogane 黒金進 Title: Aging & Scenic Painter life in California Susumu Kurogane is a professional special effects painter who makes...
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